When you work in the legal industry, it can sometimes feel like there’s no escape from the stress and it’s difficult to find work-life balance. Finding effective ways to manage stress is not just beneficial—it’s essential for longevity in the legal profession.
The more you can learn to mitigate your stress as an attorney, the healthier you are going to be. And a healthier, less-stressed attorney is going to be able to be more present for their clients.
As someone who has navigated the challenges of running a remote law firm since 2008, I’ve discovered strategies along the way that have significantly helped me manage stress.
Here are the top ten methods I’ve found to be most effective:
1. Take meaningful breaks during the workday
Long hours are common in our field, and it can be easy to get so wrapped up in your work that you forget to even take a break.
However, taking substantial breaks during your work day can rejuvenate your mind and body, leading to increased productivity and reduced stress levels. It will also help reset your cortisol (a hormone linked to stress) levels during the day, and you will even notice its benefits at the end of your day when you’re ready to rest.
Personally, I take my meaningful break around lunch and use the time to exercise. Other options can include:
- running errands
- meditation
- stretching
- taking a long walk
2. Reduce the amount of Zoom calls
The physical and mental fatigue from constant video calls is real. This is why I opt for traditional phone calls whenever it’s possible. Taking a phone call versus a Zoom call can allow you to move around, stretch, or even take the call outdoors for a change of scenery.
3. Try not to worry about money
When attempting to reduce your stress levels, try to worry less about the amount of money you’re going to make in a given year and focus on the big picture. This tip is certainly easier said than done, but the more you practice, the easier it will become over time.
The way I see it, the more time and energy you spend worrying about money, the less time and effort you spend on your clients and developing your business.
Additionally, living within your means and prioritizing long-term financial health over immediate gains can reduce stress related to financial concerns. It’s worth looking at the big picture and remembering the goals you’re working towards rather than worrying about short-term financials.
4. Curate the content you consume
The information we consume impacts our mood and stress levels. And lately, it seems like no matter where you look, whether it’s a news or social media feed there’s a lot of negativity.
It’s important to consider this because content is limitless these days. With all the options available, you should make the effort to unfollow or block content that just adds to your stress.
With this in mind, I’ve taken steps to limit exposure to negative news and social media, especially outside of work hours. It has genuinely helped me maintain a positive mindset, which allows me to focus more on my work and personal life without the constant stresses of negativity infiltrating my social media.
5. Don’t read new emails after 7 PM
To avoid any evening stress, you should refrain from reading any new emails after 7 PM. This ensures that you’re not drawn into work issues that can’t be resolved until the following day.
The last thing you want is to be kept up at night over a work email you read before going to sleep. Instead, it’s much better to read the email in the morning when you have a whole day ahead of you to resolve any problems.
6. Don’t be reactive
In the legal profession, surprises and challenges are par for the course. Developing a non-reactive attitude towards challenges can help maintain your calm and allow you to focus on solutions rather than getting swept up in emotions.
So, when you feel yourself getting upset at a situation, take a step back and ask, “How can I resolve this issue?”
By switching to problem-solving mode and focusing only on the issue at hand, you will reduce your overall stress levels.
7. Be mindful of what you put in your body
Eating a healthy diet and reducing alcohol consumption can have a profound effect on your stress levels and overall well-being.
I recommend eating out less at restaurants, as you’d likely be surprised at the levels of salt, fat, and sugar in your favorite dishes. Additionally, reducing your alcohol intake can improve your health as well, as alcohol has been shown to disrupt sleep and even lead to increased stress levels the next day.
8. Go to bed an hour earlier
Adequate rest is foundational to handling stress. Adjusting your nighttime routine to ensure you’re getting enough sleep can make a significant difference in your daily stress levels.
I try to put everything down by 9:30 PM and focus on winding down for bed by either reading, cleaning up after my kids, or talking to a loved one on the phone.
9. Have high standards for your work
Ensuring excellence in your work and client service can help prevent many stress-inducing situations, such as an upset client. In addition, knowing you’ve done your best work and have given it your all provides a certain level of confidence and peace.
And if a problem does arise, you won’t be stressing about the things you could have done better before the problem occurred. Instead, you can focus your efforts on resolving the issue at hand.
10. Embrace a broader perspective
Sometimes, a broader perspective is all it takes to alleviate stress in your life. Remembering our small place in the grand scheme of things can make our day-to-day worries seem less overwhelming.
I do this by going out at night and simply staring up at the night sky. Though it may seem silly to some, seeing the stars and remembering how small we and our problems are in the universe helps to put some perspective on our lives.
Final thoughts
Implementing these strategies has not only helped me manage stress but also improved my overall quality of life. I encourage you to try these tips and adapt them to fit your lifestyle.
Remember, being a successful lawyer is not just about winning cases; it’s also about maintaining your health, happiness, and well-being throughout your career.
If you have any questions about managing a remote law firm, feel free to send me an email at josh@joshgerben.com or jgerben@gerbenlawfirm.com.
You can also follow the show on YouTube, LinkedIn, and Instagram.
Josh Gerben is a nationally recognized trademark attorney and sought-after thought leader for the national news media. In 2008, Josh founded Gerben IP, a boutique intellectual property firm, with the goal of providing businesses, individuals, and their attorneys with a way to protect their growing brands with the help of experienced attorneys, and without breaking the bank.
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This episode is brought to you by Gerben IP, a premier boutique law firm specializing in intellectual property. While primarily focusing on trademark law, Gerben IP also offers expert assistance for copyright and patent matters. Its team of dedicated attorneys serves clients across all 50 states in the U.S. and in over 30 countries worldwide, ensuring comprehensive protection for your innovations and creative assets.